Ozmota Innovations

“The notion of autonomous search – to tell me things I didn’t know but am probably interested in – is the next great stage of search” Eric Schmidt

The web made personal

Ozmota’s patented technology

Ozmota’s patented technology examines the meaning of web content to determine the concepts represented in the information. It represents an index of concepts, not an index of links (a dimension above Google’s PageRank and Adwords). Through its search query inventions, the underlying user-specific profile, which can be generated from User A and B, can result in different and personalized results from an identical query.

The purpose of Ozmota’s technology is to create new knowledge for users and collaboratives. It’s A.I. approach uses system embodiments around 5 key patented classifications;


  • Search
  • Personalisation
  • Knowledge Augmentation 
  • Collaboration
  • Marketplace

Web Overload

The evolution and exponential growth of web data has overwhelmed search algorithims.         

The Web Made Personal

Ozmota scales web discovery and connects people to information that matters most.

Solutions & Licensing

Benefiting from Ozmota’s IP to strenghten  knowledge management, collaboration & big-data query.


Ozmota offers unique licensing opportunities for ICT leaders to strengthen their IP portfolio in the context of personalised data query.


Ozmota’s intellectual property are designs and methods to organise and gather extreme-scale knowledge databases, utilising A.I and mass computing that extract meaning and provide information and data provenance allowing users to search, publish, collaborate and generally immerse themselves in highly personalised, relevant, authentic, private and just-in-time streams of useful information. The industry has recognised this as the future of search and social media, and, through our patented technology, we provide access to intellectual property for such products and services.

How Ozmota’s Semantic Query Engine Works

Ozmota’s semantic engine collects, structures and processes information from various data sources according to semantic and ontological meaning. User’s queries are met with personalised data flow, matching their psychometric profile, enhancing existing Data query methodologies

Extreme-scale data challenges query relevance

Ozmota’s system architecture addresses the proverbial needle in a haystack problem facing query of modern, large-scale data sets.

Semantic, relevance and PRI combined to achieve personalised data query

Data is structured and ranked by Ozmota according to relevance

The Web Made Personal


In the evolution of the web, content and personalisation growth overwhelms existing “sense-making” and “ranking” algorithms forcing new methods.

The web made personal will not only drastically improve information discovery, but will accelerate collaboration and conversation and focus our attention on authentic information and what matters most.

With a personalised view of the web, each and every user will be connected with the right information at the right time.

By accessing our technology through defined interfaces, any website or application can use knowledge of a user’s interests in order to give them a personal experience.

The amount of online knowledge is vast and continuously growing. It’s most often elusive to get to the information you’re really looking for. Ozmota’s patented personalised web experience autonomously pulls the important information from the web and your social streams to the surface. The system architecture represents an intelligent way to organise and curate such information around interests that build and bind the conversations between friends and groups. It enables serendipitous discovery of and connection with people around shared interests . With Ozmota’s engine, you can discover , connect and learn. It is a place to share ideas, wherever you may be, when you get that spark of inspiration.

Contact Us

Contact us to find out how your business can leverage Ozmota’s patented technology to strengthen and improve its approach to large-scale data search & discovery.

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